*目次 [#t119f39d]
*関連ページ [#g2596805]

*参考情報 [#m4b3dbbe]

*トラブルシューティング [#ob7d9adf]
**spec実行時に「`require': cannot load such file -- spec_helper (LoadError)」 [#t6653edb]
 rails generate rspec:install

**describeでエラー発生「syntax error, unexpected keyword_do_block, expecting => (SyntaxError)」 [#h626e9d5]
-describeの書き方が変わったらしい。[[Myron Marston &#187; RSpec 2.99 and 3.0 RC1 have been released!:http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2014/05/rspec-2-99-and-3-0-rc-1-have-been-released]]によると、「Issue a deprecation when described_class is accessed from within a nested describe <SomeClass> example group, since described_class will return the innermost described class in RSpec 3 rather than the outermost described class, as it behaved in RSpec 2. (Myron Marston)」とある。
 describe Simple, :type => :model ,'説明分' do
 describe '説明分', :type => :model  do

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