*目次 [#w516d8a6]
*関連ページ [#pc54e23a]
*参考情報 [#y4c11f7a]
-[[YARD - A Ruby Documentation Tool:https://yardoc.org/]]
-[[YARD cheatsheet:https://gist.github.com/chetan/1827484]]

*概要 [#j68b3533]

*書式 [#rfa637e4]

**クラス、モジュール [#uabafe6d]
- 1行コメントのみ。@author入れてもいいけど特になくてもいいか。
- モジュール
# Namespace for classes and modules that handle serving documentation over HTTP
# @since 0.6.0
- クラス
# Abstract base class for CLI utilities. Provides some helper methods for
# the option parser
# @author Full Name

**メソッド [#m0edea50]
- 1行コメント@paramと@returnがあったらよさげ
# An alias to {Parser::SourceParser}'s parsing method
# @option opts [String] :subject The subject
# return the object
# Generates Array containing numbers exceeding limit_age. Numbers is
# members of ages.
# @example extract ages over 40
#   overages = extract_overage([17, 43, 40, 56], 40)
#   puts("overages: #{overages.join(", ")}") #=> "overages: 43, 56"
# @param ages [Array] numbers checked if they exceeded from limit_age.
# @param limit_age [Integer] limit_age limit used to extract
#   bigger ages than it.
# @return [Array] Returns Array containing numbers exceeding limit_age.
def extract_overage(ages, limit_age=20)

*IntelliJ/RubyMineのサポート [#k6e05ac1]
-[[コードのドキュメント化 | RubyMine:https://pleiades.io/help/ruby/documenting-source-code.html]]
# @type [Integer]
customer_id = 1
# @type [String] customer_name
customer_name = "Andrew Fuller"

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